Whatcha Need...
1 lb 93% ground beef
Onion, chopped (I use half)
Can of Condensed Chicken Gumbo Soup
Can of Condensed Tomato Soup
Celery Seed
Worcestershire Sauce

Whatcha do with it..
Brown Hamburger and onion

Once Hamburger is browned add the Chicken Gumbo and Tomato Soup, about 1 Tbsp of Mustard and Worcestershire Sauce, and 1 tsp of celery seed. Bring to Boil and then drop temperature down to low and let simmer for about 10 minutes.

I really like to put it on biscuits, but anything works.
(I tried really hard to make this look pretty, but it's just not possible. So, don't let looks deceive you....it sure is good.)

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