My mom thought I would never learn to cook. She was actually concerned when I was pregnant with Justin because she wasn’t sure how he would be fed. I would often have a big hunk of cheese for dinner and Josh survived on Frozen dinner meals and Top Ramen in our early married years. I remember my mom telling me, “You know that baby is going to need more than a hunk of cheese for dinner.” I think that got my attention, what was I going to feed this baby? I didn’t want him growing up on fast food, processed meals or never knowing what a home cooked meal tasted like.
While pregnant with Justin something funny happened, I began to cook. I started making really simple easy recipes that I got from my mom. As time went on something even funnier happened, I began to really enjoy cooking for my family. As little Justin was learning how to eat table foods his mom was also learning and getting better in the kitchen (and his dad was learning and getting better outside on the BBQ).
Fast forward four years and I not only enjoy cooking, but I’m one of those weird people who enjoy meal planning and grocery shopping. Who would have ever thought that? Definitely not me…or my mom!
**Mom and I in the kithchen**

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