Whatcha Need...
1 pkg of chicken wings (I like the party pack)
Flour for dreading
Original Chicken Seasoning
Mrs. Dash Extra spicy Seasoning
Black Pepper
Tabasco or any hot sauce you have in the fridge.

Whatcha do with it...
(The night I made these, I was in a hurry to get them in the oven so I missed some pictures.)
Pre-Heat oven to 425
Place about one cup of flour in a big zip lock back and put all the wings in the bag and shake until all pieces are coated. Lay the chicken on an lined baking sheet (Make sure to either put a little oil or spray baking sheet with Pam or the wings will stick)
Next season the wings. No measurements here just sprinkle the Salt, Pepper, Mrs. Dash spicy seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, and Tabasco. (I leave about 6 wings unseasoned with spicy stuff for the boys.)

Put wings in oven and bake for 20 minutes. Pull pan out and flip wings. Repeat seasoning on other side of wings.

Put back into oven for 20 minutes to finish baking.
Viola, there is dinner. I served with roasted garlic potatoes and a salad.

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